About Us

We are extremely excited about your interest in CELEBRATION CHURCH at Monroe Street during this wonderful season of ministry.

We want you to know that we are asking God to increase our capacity to love our neighbors, to be large enough to impact our community and small enough to care for people.

We want to become the “Irresistible” Church: The Church that affects the quality of life in our community.

We want to be a community of Believers where the doors are open: The Church where people are passionately in love with Jesus and everyone is welcomed to grow in their relationship with the Lord and one another!

As a Church, we want to see men, women, boys and girls win in life on the foundation of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ! We believe we must depend on the Lord Jesus Christ and His gifts in order to win.

We are praying and believing that every need among us will be met by God and, through His people. We believe this will happen in the community of believers in the Church. In fact, it has already begun!


Our History

CELEBRATION CHURCH at Monroe Street, formerly known as Monroe Street Church of God celebrated on Sunday, December 14, 2008 the Installation Service to welcome Pastor Bob Washington as the new Pastor. The Church was founded in 1939 by Pastor James Scott (1939-1989), followed by Pastor Daryl J. Reid, Sr. (1990-2007), and then by Bishop Robert S. Davis, Sr. as Interim Pastor (2007-2009).

During his tenure for the last 10 years at CELEBRATION CHURCH at Columbia, Pastor Bob served as the Principal of the Christian Academy, Pastor of Administration and Pastor of Evangelism as well as providing covering for the Men, Marriage, Young Adult, Mentoring and Deacon Ministries.

Pastor Bob’s visionary leadership, solid Bible teaching, and partnership with others in the ongoing development and support of ministries will help many people win in life!

CELEBRATION CHURCH at Monroe Street, located in West Baltimore, is committed to equipping men, women, boys, and girls to take their next step(s) toward Christian maturity.

Come and join the Celebration!

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Vision and Mission

Our Vision at CELEBRATION CHURCH at Monroe Street is to help people win in life

 …on the foundation of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Bible says in Romans 8:37—“In life, we are more than conquerors through (Christ) who loved us.”

We believe that we all have a next step in our Christian walk and so our Mission is to help people win in life by providing opportunities designed to equip them to take their next step (s) toward Christian Maturity.

Colossians 1:28—it says, “We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.”

We are excited about the Vision and Mission and invite you to join us as we set out to help every man, women, boy and girl in Baltimore and surrounding areas win through connecting with Christ in Community, growing in Christ through Discipleship, serving Christ in Ministry, Sharing Christ through Evangelism and Loving Christ through Worship.

Knowing Jesus & Making Jesus Known

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Sed sem sem, malesuada quis arcu nec, bibendum tristique lacus. Nullam lacinia, augue id tempor faucibus, metus velit rutrum est, ut tincidunt tellus leo sit amet purus. Quisque vestibulum condimentum dui semper mollis. Quisque eget dolor sit amet tellus cursus vestibulum euismod et turpis.

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