Drama and Creative Sacred Arts

Purpose: The Drama and Creative Sacred Arts Ministry equips members to Praise God and minister to the needs of His people and spread the good news about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior through Spirit-filled drama, dancing, stepping, miming and creative expressions such as Gospel rap and Spoken Word.

Description of Ministry Activities: This ministry promotes creative presentation of the Word and Praise & Worship unto the Lord by putting forth the very best effort of sharing the gospel of Jesus through Spirit-filled drama, dancing, stepping, miming and creative expressions such as Gospel rap and Spoken Word.

Ministry Meeting Time: Sundays at 11:00am and Special Services

Ministry Serving Time: Sunday Worship Services and Special Services.

Current Opportunities to Serve:
Lithurgical Dancers
Actors and Actresses
Gospel rappers
Mimers, etc.

Time commitment: Time for Preparation for Worship Service and Special Services.

Point of Contact:
Email: TBD