Ready To Make a DIFFERENCE With Your Life?
Then, we invite you to join us as we:
SERVE & SHARE the Lord Jesus Christ with other people who are also looking to make an impact with their life within an urban context of Baltimore, MD.
We’ll provide opportunities for you to learn how you are uniquely SHAPED for ministry and missions, and participate in ministries of the Church. There are many ways for men, women and youth to SERVE & SHARE through CELEBRATION CHURCH at Monroe Street like:
Volunteering for Children’s Church or Youth Ministry and Feeding the hungry, providing clothes for those in need, giving out health information to the communityand providing fun opportunities for the neighborhood children through events like our:
– Community Service Days,
– Health Fair & Harvest Festival,
– Summer Night Of Praise and much more!
You can also contribute to our Annual International Mission Trip to other countries where we:
– Conduct Medical Clinics
– Provide Vacation Bible School for the children
– Share the Gospel and
– Partner on major projects.