Praise Team, Choir & Band Ministry
Purpose: (1) To share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song; (2) Encourage believers in their walk with Christ; (3) Lead the congregation in praise and worship; (4) provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gifts and be an integral part of the worship experience; and (5) create an atmosphere where God’s people can fully and openly express their praise, adoration, and worship of him.
Description of Ministry and Activities: CCMS Choir & Band leads the congregation in praise and worship on select Sundays and when requested. The Praise Team primarily leads the congregation on Sundays in praise and worship.
Ministry Positions: All are welcomed to participate in the Choir. The Praise Team is selected by the Praise & Worship Leader. Other positions include Praise & Worship Leader, Administrative support, Keyboardist, Drummer, Bass Player, Singers-Praise Team and Choir.
Length of Ministry Commitment: On-going
Time of Ministry Commitment: Rehearsal takes place on Thursday evenings from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm. Additional rehearsals may be scheduled for special events (Christmas, Heritage Sunday, Night of Praise, etc.)
Point of Contact:
Sabrina Washington
Email: swashington@wininlife.com and stayconnected@wininlifebaltimore.com